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Projects about esp32 kits, esp32 camera, sensors and more.
Rickrolling users into cyber security
This article mainly introduces how to import python files into the ROS system
In this part I replace the ENV III Unit with the BME688 powered ENV Pro unit and fight with Python.
How to access and Programme or the M5Stack CoreMP135.
An efficient addon to pre-existing freezers in supermarkets, to reduce the cost of the freezers by automatically closing the doors.
How to use the M5Stack Fan Module with the CoreMP135 to help cool it down.
Develop an artistic drawing optimization system based on generative AI called AI MasterDream copilot.
Assistive Technology Gadget for peoples with disabilities - Things Locator, Safety and Support for Special Needs
A compact device that generates secure, unique passwords using SHA256, your PIN, and DeviceID—no storage, no cloud, just magic!
The Label say IOT Starter Kit so Let do some Internet of Things with the kit and M5Stack EZData2 servers.
Use TinyML on the M5ATOM to detect motion patterns with the MPU sensor and display numbers on the LED matrix.
This article highlights is a maker-friendly robotic arm with dynamic tracking, designed for robotics education!
A robotic arm that can carry out scientific research, creative and learning projects at the same time.
I have friends who struggle to see their phone, let alone maps. This device is a quick and bight direction indicator.
A core device, which can be added to a wheelchair or strapped to the body, allowing control tailored to each user.
The Dynamic Vision Assist is a wearable that is designed to allow a user with low to no vision navigate trails, parks, and hiking paths.